Friday, February 12, 2010

Madeleine's Inspiration

It's been such a long time since we've posted anything to this blog...I know for me, that has more to do with the busyness of life than anything else.

But I thought it worth popping back in today to mention a couple of things that Madeleine L'Engle enthusiasts can rejoice over.

First is the marvelous novel When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead. In January, it was honored with the Newbery Medal. I recently reviewed it here.

I loved the book for itself, but I also loved it for its homage to Madeleine. I think she would have truly enjoyed this story about an ordinary twelve year old girl named Miranda caught up in some extraordinary things. The fact that the book of Miranda's heart is Madeleine's own A Wrinkle in Time (itself a Newbery Medal winner from 1963)and that the story of Wrinkle is woven into the narrative at various moments, is such wonderful evidence of the way Madeleine's work continues to live on and inspire other generations of writers and readers.

And speaking of younger generations, Madeleine's granddaughter Lena has launched a blog here. Her first young adult novel will be published in the fall by Farrar, Straus, Giroux.